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Before installation

WARNING: Read this manual carefully before installing and operating the SMD3. Observe the following safety instructions.

Qualified personnel

WARNING: All work described in this document may only be carried out by persons who have suitable technical training and the necessary experience or who have been instructed by the end-user of the product.

WARNING: Without proper training and necessary experience, damage to the equipment or personal injury might result.

Additional safety and warning notices

DANGER: Danger of electric arcing! Never plug or unplug any connector while powered. Plugging or unplugging a motor while powered may damage or destroy the driver output stages.


On receipt of the instrument remove all packing material and check that all items on the delivery note have been received. Report any damage or shortages to the company or distributor who supplied the instrument. The packing material has been specially designed to protect the instrument and should be retained for possible future use.

Mechanical installation

The SMD3 may be mounted via the front panel and or underside flanges, in any orientation. Forced air ventilation is not required. The ambient operating temperature range is 10 °C to 60 °C.


Rear panel

rear panel new all.png

The Power, Motor and I/O sockets use 3.5 mm pitch pluggable rewireable terminal blocks. These are suitable for 28 – 16 AWG (1.5 mm2 max.) stranded wire. Strip insulation to approx. 6 – 7 mm before securing the wire in the terminal block.

Connectors are supplied for X1, X2, X3 and X4. Replacement connectors are available from IMO Precision Controls, part number 20.1550M/X-E where ‘X’ is the number of ways. For example, the part number for the power connector pluggable terminal block would be 20.1550M/2-E. These are readily available from electronics distributors.


X1 - Power






Power input for both internal logic circuits and the motor itself.

The power supply must meet the following requirements:

  • 15 – 67 V DC regulated supply, 30 W minimum
  • Reinforced or double insulation between mains and supply output

DANGER: Danger of electric arcing! Never plug or unplug the connector while powered.

CAUTION: In the event of reverse polarity, a short circuit will occur between GND and V+ through an internal power diode. Therefore, an external fuse must be installed in the supply line.

The fuse should be sized:

  • Greater than the current consumption of the SMD3 when operating the connected motor
  • Less than the maximum current output of the power supply
  • Considering the voltage of the supply

INFORMATION: Choice of input voltage affects motor performance; operating at the maximum voltage possible (67 Vdc) will maximise motor torque at higher speeds.


X2 - Motor

motor connector pinout.png




Phase A1


Phase A2


Phase B1


Phase B2

Motor output. Connection of the motor to the vacuum feedthrough, and vacuum feedthrough to the SMD3 is discussed in section Motor Wiring.

Custom motor cables must be built to the following specification to ensure continued compliance with EMC standards and correct function:

  • Four cores, comprising two twisted pairs plus screen. A foil screen plus drain wire is acceptable; a foil plus braid screen is better

  • The screen must be connected via as short a wire as possible to pin 1, ‘GND’, using insulated wire

  • Rated voltage >= 300 V rms

  • Rated current > 1.5 A rms

Maximum cable length is limited by the resistance of the cores; total round trip cable resistance per phase should be kept to less than few ohms. Consult the cable manufacturers data for these details.

DANGER! Danger of electric arcing! Never plug or unplug the connector while powered! Plugging or unplugging motor while powered may damage or destroy the driver output stages.


X3 - I/O

io connector pinout.png

2 RTD B2
3 RTD B1
5 LIMIT 1 / Positive
6 LIMIT 2 / Negative
8 ¯("RESET" )
11 DIR
12 EN
For motors equipped with an RTD instead of a thermocouple, make the RTD connection here. If the RTD is not required, leave the connections open.

There are two limits inputs; they can be configured to stop the motor on one or both limits being triggered. A limit input is triggered by shorting it to pin 1, ‘GND’, usually with a mechanical switch mounted on the mechanism that the motor is driving. Logic level signals, for example, from optical or hall effect sensors may also be used.

Limit 1 applies when the motor position counter is incrementing, and limit 2 applies when the motor position counter is decrementing.

Limits inputs include a pullup resistor. See section Limits for details.

Fault output and reset
The SMD3 disables the motor under certain fault conditions, see section Faults. When this happens, the open collector ‘FAULT’ output on pin 7 is set and may be used to signal to an external controller that the SMD3 is in a fault state.

Fault states are latching; once set the fault condition must be removed and the fault reset before normal operation may resume using either a remote interface command (see CLR) or pulling the ‘RESET’ signal on pin 8 to ‘GND’. This does not apply to the ‘EN’ (enable) input when in step direction mode, i.e. the enable input is not latching, and normal operation will resume immediately on restoring the enable input state. See section Faults for details.

Step, Direction and Enable
The step direction enable interface is an industry standard interface allowing an external motion controller to generate stepping sequences, bypassing the SMD3’s internal motion controller. The inputs are galvanically isolated with three opto-isolators with bi-directional LEDs, and share a common connection, ‘SDE COM’ on pin 9. See section Step/Direction for details


X4 - Thermocouple


− T/C −
+ T/C +

The thermocouple lead for motors equipped with the standard K-Type thermocouple should be connected here. If using a motor equipped with an RTD, this connection may be left open. Be sure to select the correct sensor type, see section Temperature sensor selection.
The connection is for use with a standard IEC Miniature K-Type thermocouple plug. These are colour coded green for K-Type thermocouples.


X5 - USB

Front panel

front panel plus leds description.png

The fault indicator flashes or remains lit if the SMD3 is in a fault state (see section Faults for fault indications). When a fault is present, motor operation is disabled.


X6 - Joystick

rj connector.png

2 CW

For connection of a two-button joystick allowing basic motor control, for example, during commissioning. AML supply the SMD3 Joystick, part number ‘SMD3JOY’ for this purpose. On connection, the SMD3 automatically switches to joystick mode.

  • If designing your own joystick or device to connect to this port:
  • Inputs have internal pull-ups.
  • Activate the function by shorting ‘CW’, ‘CCW’ or ‘DETECT’ to pin 1, ‘GND’.
  • Pin 4, ‘DETECT’ is used to signal to the SMD3 that the joystick is connected and trigger automatic switch to joystick mode. If not required, leave the pin unconnected. This requires joystick mode to be manually selected. 

Logic level signals may also be used; 12 V max.


Motor wiring


Lead identification

Note regarding reversal of rotation

Wiring motor to the vacuum feedthrough

Wiring between drive and vacuum feedthrough