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Labelled WEEE
If you have purchased AML-branded electrical or electronic products in the UK on and after August...
Take-back Policy (EU outside UK)
AML products sold in EU countries, other than the UK, are sold through distribution networks. Dis...
Take-back Policy (UK)
To comply with the EU WEEE Directive, the UK government has implemented the Waste Electrical and ...
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Returns
In the European Union (EU), waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is now subject ...
In the first instance, contact the distributor or supplier of the equipment. Always quote the ser...
Gas Correction Factors
Gas correction factor tables are are only reproduced for the convenience of the user and do not i...
Repair and Refurbishment
Other than gauge heads returned under warranty it is generally not economically feasible to retur...
Filament Replacement
Tungsten filaments have an emission life of one to three years in UHV. The life will be dependent...
Ion Gauge Operation
New gauges must be operated carefully to achieve good results and long filament life. The filamen...
Ion Gauge Cables
WARNING! The use of AML AIGLx cables is essential to achieve compliance with the EC EMC Directive...
Inspect the gauge structure before removing from the moulded clear plastic packing. Report any ob...
Getting started The quickest way to get started with the SMD3, having completed wiring up accord...
Compliance Certificate
This declaration of conformity is issued under the ...
Gauge Filament Replacement
Tungsten filaments have an emission life of one to three years in UHV. The life will be dependent...
Maintenance and service
The SMD3 contains no user-serviceable parts. Cleaning If the instrument requires cleaning, disc...
Guidance on use of VCSMs
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the production and handling of UHV components. The...
Technical information
General General Interface USB Type-C (appears as virtual COM port on PC Dim...
The SMD3 stepper motor drive is a single-axis bipolar stepper motor drive, intended for use wit...